I had work today until 1pm - then had a quick lunch quick consisted of string cheese, an apple, and some carrots! Next was Dr. Green's class in Theology of the Gospels. I'm really enjoying this class so far.
Lauren picked me up after work so we could take something back to Target and pick up a few things for our taco dinner tonight!
That's about it.
I'm getting more disappointed with Lauren's work (I'll post the name of the work after she quits in December - just so she doesn't get in trouble). For one thing, Lauren had a PERFECT review not too long ago, but it seems like the investors and powers-that-be like to take advantage of their "perfect" employees (and everyone else working there as well). Here is a critical review of this company (which I still do admire for their "eco-friendly" focus).
"Lauren's Job" gripes:
1. No can can get raises until they reach a 95% capacity. Since they are probably already profiting (big-time I would guess) this is ridiculous. I've never heard of a job that would do something like that! Are these investors money hungry or what?!
2. Lauren was granted vacation for this Friday (a long time ago) - YET, they are holding a mandatory meeting Thursday night - 2 hours AFTER work! They just announced this meeting 2 weeks ago when Lauren has had permission for MONTHS!
This means that their workers have to PUNCH OUT, then COME BACK to work for a mandatory meeting! What in the world?! Is this high-school?! It's one thing to have a quick briefing immediately following work, but to have a meeting 2 hours AFTER work is just insane! It's basically wasting 2 hours of everyone's time as they hang out in the area waiting for the meeting to happen! PLUS, the director is fully aware of Lauren's vacation the following day. They also know that Lauren and I are DRIVING back that NIGHT - so where is the sensitivity?! Do they want our baby to get hurt in some late-night accident?!
3. There is only a 10% discount for employees who want to have their children taken care of here! TEN PERCENT! So it would cost Lauren 20,000 dollars to take our child there! Um - so Lauren works full-time and that would pay just for 1 child?! HA! Can we say "PATHETIC"!
Conclusion: Obviously "Lauren's job" in Chicago is not a Christian-based organization, and therefore sets no standards that would cater to the needs of others instead of themselves. Of course we shouldn't be surprised when we see companies with potential act as greedy, selfish, worldly, and power-hungry as "Lauren's Job". It gives me joy to think that even though I don't make very much at Moody Bible Institute, the entire institute's goal is to serve Christ. This involves constantly putting others first, seeking to educate their students with tuition-free education, and ministering to thousands of people world-wide through various means.
Tell me how many places get together 10 minutes a day to thank the Lord for our students, employees, and institute!
Ok - I'm done! This is all my personal griping - not Lauren's :)
p.s. BIG congrats to my mom who started her new job today as Observatory Coordinator! WOW! God is AWESOME! For those of you who don't know, my mom left Meadow Creek Christian School (now Legacy Christian Academy) for some sad reasons (mostly because they took away her classes and gave her ones that she is not qualified in). Oh yeah - there are also some other sad things going on there too... :(
SO - all that to say, God blessed her with TWO amazing jobs! Both are flexible, allowing my mom to teach students with the gifts that God has given her, AND they pay better than Meadow Creek (probably not by much, but hey it reminds me of God having vindication from Psalms you know)?! what a BLESSING!
30 August 2010
29 August 2010
Table Built! MC (mission completed)!
We went to church today and enjoyed worshiping God with our church family. The pastor today was Victor - he spoke about Christ becoming sin for us ("The Monster Christ")
After church Lauren and I hung out w/ Michael and Britt for a while, met Pastor Victor, then looked at our possible future apartment next to First Free! Please keep us in your prayers as we wait to hear if we can move into this apartment before year's end, and that the rent will be affordable for us!
The weather was SO warm today! We went to Menards, bought a piece of lumber, went to Aldi to buy a bunch of frozen fruit, then went home to make smoothies and a table! Check out the pictures!
I have a lot of homework this week. PLEASE keep us in your prayers, for health, sleep, homework completed, gracious professors, and to follow the Lord's calling in all that we do!
28 August 2010
First Saturday 2010!
Today was a LONG but glorious day!
This was Moody's annual grad student retreat - but this time it was a one-day event, and it was hosted....that's right...on campus! Not really a "get-away" retreat, but a one-day event that was designed for students to meet the new ones, rekindle old friendships, and interact with our energetic professors and faculty! This year's theme is "Holy...Expectant...Zealous" based off of Titus 2.
The morning started with the Student Council (aka StuCo) showing up to the Solheim gym - which was LOCKED! It took a while for public safety to finally get over there to open up, so we had to get moving as soon as we got in! I was hoping and praying that this was the only "glitch" in the day!
The breakfast food was quickly arranged, the worship team started practicing, and the registration table started getting organized as well. Lauren came with and helped us get ready! She was really an incredible asset!
Finally the time came! Many students arrived early so they were anxious to get checked in! We handed out colored bandannas to classify each group (organized by major/focus). We also had a professor assigned to each group as well!
The breakfast was a big hit! Way to go team! The worship team had a great set of songs and it was awesome just coming together to corporately worship the Lord as one body of students.
Lauren ended up providing the child-care (sorry sweetheart)! She was so good about it too! Even though she does this for her full-time job, she totally went in there and took care of the kiddos! She was well-loved!
Dr. Nyquist and our new provost spoke, as well as our very own Dean Jelinek!
Next came an introduction to our international students - 40 countries! Students came down and lined up carrying their country's flag!
Prayers were given in thanks, and then a rotation of sports and games commenced for the afternoon!
We were supposed to have Edwardo's pizza for lunch, but we found out last minute that Events and Guest Services never placed the order!!!! So - praise God Dominoes down the street made 33 pizzas in less than an hour (with only one man on the job)! So - what could have been a major disaster was averted! Praise the Lord!
After lunch, more games took place, then later on, the students took a walk to the old water tower downtown to sing praises together. Then they made their way up to Lincoln Park where a dinner was waiting for them, as well as a time for worship, prayer, and communion (done in the small groups by the professors). It was an amazing day and I was blessed to be a part of it! See the slideshow and video to follow!
This was Moody's annual grad student retreat - but this time it was a one-day event, and it was hosted....that's right...on campus! Not really a "get-away" retreat, but a one-day event that was designed for students to meet the new ones, rekindle old friendships, and interact with our energetic professors and faculty! This year's theme is "Holy...Expectant...Zealous" based off of Titus 2.
The morning started with the Student Council (aka StuCo) showing up to the Solheim gym - which was LOCKED! It took a while for public safety to finally get over there to open up, so we had to get moving as soon as we got in! I was hoping and praying that this was the only "glitch" in the day!
The breakfast food was quickly arranged, the worship team started practicing, and the registration table started getting organized as well. Lauren came with and helped us get ready! She was really an incredible asset!
Finally the time came! Many students arrived early so they were anxious to get checked in! We handed out colored bandannas to classify each group (organized by major/focus). We also had a professor assigned to each group as well!
The breakfast was a big hit! Way to go team! The worship team had a great set of songs and it was awesome just coming together to corporately worship the Lord as one body of students.
Lauren ended up providing the child-care (sorry sweetheart)! She was so good about it too! Even though she does this for her full-time job, she totally went in there and took care of the kiddos! She was well-loved!
Dr. Nyquist and our new provost spoke, as well as our very own Dean Jelinek!
Next came an introduction to our international students - 40 countries! Students came down and lined up carrying their country's flag!
Prayers were given in thanks, and then a rotation of sports and games commenced for the afternoon!
We were supposed to have Edwardo's pizza for lunch, but we found out last minute that Events and Guest Services never placed the order!!!! So - praise God Dominoes down the street made 33 pizzas in less than an hour (with only one man on the job)! So - what could have been a major disaster was averted! Praise the Lord!
After lunch, more games took place, then later on, the students took a walk to the old water tower downtown to sing praises together. Then they made their way up to Lincoln Park where a dinner was waiting for them, as well as a time for worship, prayer, and communion (done in the small groups by the professors). It was an amazing day and I was blessed to be a part of it! See the slideshow and video to follow!
27 August 2010
Future Apartment?! "What If..."
This morning I took the bus up to First Free for two reasons:
1. I normally help out with website stuff on Friday mornings, and
2. I had a meeting with our interim finance guy Duncan. You see, First Free owns the apartment complexes next to them and one of them just opened up! They are currently renovating it, but I expressed our interest in wanting to move close to church, and with more room for our child when he/she arrives.
The slideshow below shows the brief I had. Please pray that, if it is the Lord's will, that Lauren and we can move here - and at an affordable rate!
After my meeting I headed over to school to help set-up for the big "First Saturday" event for our grad students tomorrow! BIG weekend coming up!
Lauren joined me in the evening for a free screening of "What If" - which is basically a remake of "Family Man" - Christian-style! My friend Tom McElroy was in the film :)

1. I normally help out with website stuff on Friday mornings, and
2. I had a meeting with our interim finance guy Duncan. You see, First Free owns the apartment complexes next to them and one of them just opened up! They are currently renovating it, but I expressed our interest in wanting to move close to church, and with more room for our child when he/she arrives.
The slideshow below shows the brief I had. Please pray that, if it is the Lord's will, that Lauren and we can move here - and at an affordable rate!
After my meeting I headed over to school to help set-up for the big "First Saturday" event for our grad students tomorrow! BIG weekend coming up!
Lauren joined me in the evening for a free screening of "What If" - which is basically a remake of "Family Man" - Christian-style! My friend Tom McElroy was in the film :)

26 August 2010
Student Wives Ice Cream Social
Husbands were invited to the first Student Wives Fellowship get-together of the semester! They had ICE CREAM! Lauren and I enjoyed meeting new people and also connecting with old friends!
The best part was - they had a raffle - and Lauren WON! We got this SWEET afghan with Moody's WMBI radio on it! That was awesome!
The best part was - they had a raffle - and Lauren WON! We got this SWEET afghan with Moody's WMBI radio on it! That was awesome!

25 August 2010
School and StuCo!
I am really enjoying my classes...except Greek 3 is making me tremble! I might have to put this off until the spring modular (I'm going to die either way though)!
So - the StuCo (student council) has a tiny little room that has been used in the past as a storage area and as a make-shift study area. I took some time today to clean and organize as much as I could! I felt pretty happy with myself when I got the room looking halfway decent! I also noticed that one of our ceiling fixtures wasn't turning on when I flipped the switch. I put in a work order (which was fun!), and they determined that it needed a new ballast! So - it'll probably be a couple weeks until that gets fixed. I think I'm going to get a printer, mini fridge, and microwave for this room - so I can chill in here on breaks and downtime and study (as well as do StuCo stuff as well)!
So - the StuCo (student council) has a tiny little room that has been used in the past as a storage area and as a make-shift study area. I took some time today to clean and organize as much as I could! I felt pretty happy with myself when I got the room looking halfway decent! I also noticed that one of our ceiling fixtures wasn't turning on when I flipped the switch. I put in a work order (which was fun!), and they determined that it needed a new ballast! So - it'll probably be a couple weeks until that gets fixed. I think I'm going to get a printer, mini fridge, and microwave for this room - so I can chill in here on breaks and downtime and study (as well as do StuCo stuff as well)!
23 August 2010
Wedding watch broke... and first day of school!
First day of class today! I think I'm really going to enjoy Dr. Green's class on the Theology of the Gospels!
Lauren gave me a watch when I proposed to her. It broke, and we sent it in to get fixed. Unfortunately, we received a letter from them today stating that they couldn't fix it because they don't sell that watch anymore!
The good news is - they let us pick out a new watch - the same value as the last one! So we sat down and picked out a nice one! :)
Lauren gave me a watch when I proposed to her. It broke, and we sent it in to get fixed. Unfortunately, we received a letter from them today stating that they couldn't fix it because they don't sell that watch anymore!
The good news is - they let us pick out a new watch - the same value as the last one! So we sat down and picked out a nice one! :)
22 August 2010
Visit from Lauren's Dad!
Lauren's dad came to visit us (and to ensure Lauren's safety home), so we partied by eating at a sushi place across the street, feasting on delicious ice cream, and snacking on fresh french fries! It was a great evening with Dad!
Enjoy the slideshow!
Enjoy the slideshow!
21 August 2010
School soon!
I ordered a bunch of my books today...including $100 for another Logos program for Greek 3! It's going to be a crazy semester!
The student council has been getting ready for our big upcoming retreat as well! NEXT WEEKEND!
Also today - I started working on making a table for our kitchen! It's nothing incredibly amazing - but's solid and gets the job done! Four 2x4s (I only have two right now) and a big sheet of plywood! At least we have more room to set things down! :)
Lauren is up in WI for a bachelorette party for her friend Alisha. It sounds like her dad will be driving with her home tomorrow! So that will be fun to see him for a day!
The student council has been getting ready for our big upcoming retreat as well! NEXT WEEKEND!
Also today - I started working on making a table for our kitchen! It's nothing incredibly amazing - but's solid and gets the job done! Four 2x4s (I only have two right now) and a big sheet of plywood! At least we have more room to set things down! :)
Lauren is up in WI for a bachelorette party for her friend Alisha. It sounds like her dad will be driving with her home tomorrow! So that will be fun to see him for a day!

19 August 2010
Grandma Camplin's Heart....
Grandma Camplin's heart was off-sync, so today they had to do a cardio-fusion - basically shocking it to put it back in rhythm. Praise the Lord it worked and she's beginning to already feel more energy coming back!
18 August 2010
DRM "meeting"! aka Unicorn Day
DRM (work) had a lunch "meeting" today! The first project was for us to get in groups of 3 or 4. We each had a piece of paper with a penciled outline. Every team had to fill in the outline with the provided colored markers. Our picture looked like it was lacking a little bit, so Tyson drew....a UNICORN to add some dimension and flavor to our picture! What we DIDN'T realize was that each team had a piece that connected to the other drawings! So in the end, we all had to COMBINE our drawings into one BIG drawing (see pictures)! The point was that - we all have different tasks and gifts, but in the end, we all need to work together to see the big picture! Problem was - we added a unicorn! We ALSO converted our cloud into a SUN! So we had two suns and a unicorn in the picture! Can we say our group was a little....independent?! :) haha!!
I also had a meeting with Military Ministries afterwards to discuss a possible internship at the Great Lakes Naval Base! We'll see where the Lord leads!

I also had a meeting with Military Ministries afterwards to discuss a possible internship at the Great Lakes Naval Base! We'll see where the Lord leads!

17 August 2010
Dan and Summer have another one! Date Night with Lauren!

My cousin Dan and his wife Summer had another child this morning!
Cali Joy Nystrom, born at 7:20 AM, 20.5 inches long! Super exciting stuff!
Work was good...I had a long lunch break, so I was able to meet up with Anya and Sophia once more - we went to Portillo's for lunch, and I introduced them to Chicago's famous hotdogs! Again - Anya's not a big fan of pics...lol
Later, after work, I took Lauren out for a super awesome date night! We went to Dave and Busters (right by Moody), had dinner, and played UNLIMITED video games all night long! We totally conquered Terminator and played virtually every racing game and shoot-em-up game they had! It was SWEET!!!! And she loved it too ;)
16 August 2010
Anya visits Chicago!
Monday night - Anya (my host sister from Ukraine) texted me and said she wanted to visit me, along with her friend Sophia. I didn't realize that she has been in Chicago for a while already! So - Monday evening after work, Anya and her friend met Lauren and me at the blue line near our place. We showed them our (tiny) studio, offered them some (strong) ice tea (too much tea, not enough sugar), then went for a walk around the neighborhood. Anya was shy and didn't want her picture taken - but she's the one in the background! I told them I would try to have lunch with them the next day during my break at Moody.
15 August 2010
NAE Chaplain's Conference - Day 04
The last day of the conference...though sad, I'm excited to see my wife soon!
We had breakfast again at the hotel (still just as good!), then made our way to the C&MA headquarters for worship. I helped out with the music part (I sang...one of those rare occasions you'll see me in that position!) and set-up.
It was sad to say goodbye to many of the friends that I made over the weekend, but it will be good to be home as well!
On a funnier note - my dad sent this to me, enjoy!
We had breakfast again at the hotel (still just as good!), then made our way to the C&MA headquarters for worship. I helped out with the music part (I sang...one of those rare occasions you'll see me in that position!) and set-up.
It was sad to say goodbye to many of the friends that I made over the weekend, but it will be good to be home as well!
On a funnier note - my dad sent this to me, enjoy!
14 August 2010
NAE Chaplain's Conference - Day 03
Again - another amazing day filled with joy, encouragement, and company!
Breakfast was just as amazing as the day before (maybe even more-so).
We had individual training by endorser today. Even though the NAE endorses both the EFCA and C&MA, each group is its own endorser under the NAE umbrella. So the NAE group is what I am a part of. We met together in a small group (totally packed it out), was blessed by Paul Vicalvi's message ("The Glory of God & and the Law):
After this time of fellowship, I met quick with the EFCA endorser to practice in the music band for the following morning. Right after this I met....PASTOR CALL for lunch! Pastor Call was my old pastor from Grace Church in Roseville, MN. He is now "retired" here in CO Springs with his family. It was wonderful to catch up with him over buffalo burgers across the street. He took me around the city and gave me a brief tour, then brought me to his new home so I could see Mrs. Call as well! We had a great time!
Shortly after this I had a tour to the Garden of the gods. After this was a banquet at the AirForce Academy - with our speaker being The Honorable Allen Clark. There was a wedding reception going on behind the portable walls, so it was a bit distracting - but over all, the banquet was great!
After the banquet, I got a ride with Jeremy and Julia and picked up a shake from Chick-Fil-A! Great way to end the day!

Breakfast was just as amazing as the day before (maybe even more-so).
We had individual training by endorser today. Even though the NAE endorses both the EFCA and C&MA, each group is its own endorser under the NAE umbrella. So the NAE group is what I am a part of. We met together in a small group (totally packed it out), was blessed by Paul Vicalvi's message ("The Glory of God & and the Law):
After this time of fellowship, I met quick with the EFCA endorser to practice in the music band for the following morning. Right after this I met....PASTOR CALL for lunch! Pastor Call was my old pastor from Grace Church in Roseville, MN. He is now "retired" here in CO Springs with his family. It was wonderful to catch up with him over buffalo burgers across the street. He took me around the city and gave me a brief tour, then brought me to his new home so I could see Mrs. Call as well! We had a great time!
Shortly after this I had a tour to the Garden of the gods. After this was a banquet at the AirForce Academy - with our speaker being The Honorable Allen Clark. There was a wedding reception going on behind the portable walls, so it was a bit distracting - but over all, the banquet was great!
After the banquet, I got a ride with Jeremy and Julia and picked up a shake from Chick-Fil-A! Great way to end the day!

13 August 2010
NAE Chaplain's Conference - Day 02
It was a blessed day - with our sessions given by HB London (a vice president to Focus on the Family). They were very encouraging and uplifting sessions. Well - let me back up! The breakfast that day was INCREDIBLE! Omelets made-to-order! Buffet! Yum!
We then had 3 sessions given by HB London. You can view these sessions RIGHT here with the embedded video code I will paste:
Session 1: The Joy of Our Calling:
Session 2: Dedication to Our Calling:
Session 3: Our Calling and Our Family (I liked this one)
We had a delicious Qdoba lunch buffet in-between sessions out by the pool of one of the hotels.
After the sessions we were given a tour of Biblica - formerly the International Bible Society. We were able to view old Bibles (see pictures) and hear from Mark Rader (the director) and others. We were also given some fantastic resources to take along with us!
In the evening, many of us went to the Flying W Ranch - a place where you step back into time and experience western culture, food, rodeo stuff, and watch a live concert! To be honest, I spent most of my time there in one place, talking to some former Golden Gopher (MN) alumni Chaplains!
It was a fantastic day, and many friends and connections were made!
Enjoy the pictures and video!

We then had 3 sessions given by HB London. You can view these sessions RIGHT here with the embedded video code I will paste:
Session 1: The Joy of Our Calling:
Session 2: Dedication to Our Calling:
Session 3: Our Calling and Our Family (I liked this one)
We had a delicious Qdoba lunch buffet in-between sessions out by the pool of one of the hotels.
After the sessions we were given a tour of Biblica - formerly the International Bible Society. We were able to view old Bibles (see pictures) and hear from Mark Rader (the director) and others. We were also given some fantastic resources to take along with us!
In the evening, many of us went to the Flying W Ranch - a place where you step back into time and experience western culture, food, rodeo stuff, and watch a live concert! To be honest, I spent most of my time there in one place, talking to some former Golden Gopher (MN) alumni Chaplains!
It was a fantastic day, and many friends and connections were made!
Enjoy the pictures and video!

12 August 2010
NAE Chaplain's Conference - Day 01
I have been blessed with an opportunity to attend a chaplain's conference, hosted by my endorser (the NAE) and fellow endorsers under the NAE umbrella (C&MA and EFCA). The conference is being held in Colorado Springs, CO from Thursday-Sunday. I packed early this morning for the trip :)
I took the el to downtown, and from there I took the Orange to Midway. The flight was smooth with no issues. I only brought carry-ons so check-in wasn't an issue. I forgot I had my little Army toiletry kit with me, but it went through without a hitch!
I was blessed to have a USO at Midway that I could relax in for a while before my flight. Everyone was very friendly and accommodating!
The flight went to Denver, so while I waited for my connecting flight to CO Springs, I noticed a USO in Denver as well! This one was SWEET! Plenty of recliners, snacks, and amazing hospitality by the volunteers.
The flight to CO Springs took all of FIFTEEN MINUTES! It was hilarious! I was up and down before I knew it!
When we arrived I met our van driver (John) - he gave me the "chaplain sign" to hold for the other arrivals so that he could stay with the van. The ride to the hotel was pretty quick, and it was fun to finally meet my endorser Paul Vicalvi in person! The ice cream social in the evening was great, and I made a lot of new connections, and also saw some guys that I met while at CH-BOLC last month. It was a really great evening to connect! Jeremy Quigley and his wife Julia, along with their daughter Zoey, were able to attend the conference as well! The Quigley's are from Moody, so that was a fun connection to have!
The bed in my hotel room is awesome! There is a dial on both side of the bed to adjust the firmness/softness! Pretty sweet! I'm looking forward to what this weekend brings!
I took the el to downtown, and from there I took the Orange to Midway. The flight was smooth with no issues. I only brought carry-ons so check-in wasn't an issue. I forgot I had my little Army toiletry kit with me, but it went through without a hitch!
I was blessed to have a USO at Midway that I could relax in for a while before my flight. Everyone was very friendly and accommodating!
The flight went to Denver, so while I waited for my connecting flight to CO Springs, I noticed a USO in Denver as well! This one was SWEET! Plenty of recliners, snacks, and amazing hospitality by the volunteers.
The flight to CO Springs took all of FIFTEEN MINUTES! It was hilarious! I was up and down before I knew it!
When we arrived I met our van driver (John) - he gave me the "chaplain sign" to hold for the other arrivals so that he could stay with the van. The ride to the hotel was pretty quick, and it was fun to finally meet my endorser Paul Vicalvi in person! The ice cream social in the evening was great, and I made a lot of new connections, and also saw some guys that I met while at CH-BOLC last month. It was a really great evening to connect! Jeremy Quigley and his wife Julia, along with their daughter Zoey, were able to attend the conference as well! The Quigley's are from Moody, so that was a fun connection to have!
The bed in my hotel room is awesome! There is a dial on both side of the bed to adjust the firmness/softness! Pretty sweet! I'm looking forward to what this weekend brings!
11 August 2010
Dinner with friends!

I had a StuCo meeting over lunch today to try to hash out a few more details for this upcoming retreat. I feel like there are a LOT more kinks that need to be worked out before I'll feel comfortable putting my "stamp of approval" on this event! But I am confident that God will be with us in our planning, and that this will be very successful.
Lauren and I were both excited to see our friends Nicolas and Lindsey for dinner in the evening. Nicolas just got married to his bride the weekend I returned from basic. They just finished getting settled into their new apartment in Chicago, so we were honored to be their first official guests! Boy did we have a great time! Nicolas cooked a very tasty French meal for us all. The appetizers were tasty too, and we really enjoyed their company and fellowship. We played Balderdash for a while after dinner and also enjoyed a tasty treat that Lindsey whipped up! We are very blessed to have friends like Nicolas and Lindsey - and we are thankful for their hospitality and fun we had that night! Thanks guys!!! :)
Tomorrow morning I leave for a chaplain conference in CO Springs, hosted by the NAE, the Missionary Alliance, and the EFCA! I'm super stoked to go, to meet new people, connect with old friends, and get some nuggets to assist me in my growth as a CC!
10 August 2010
Working and cleaning
I spent most of today working (like normal), but also trying to continue cleaning up the apartment. There were still a couple boxes just sitting around, but I was able to finally take care of those! Now my next project is to built a table for the kitchen. I think I'll work on that next weekend (after my trip to CO Springs this coming weekend).
09 August 2010
Back to work...without Brittney...
It was a sad day - the first day without Brittney at DRM. We mourned her loss silently as we pressed forward in our daily duties. The happy news is that I chatted with her online - just like old times!
I'm also not scanning much anymore...which is interesting. I suppose they're trying to get me back into doing other mail processing stuff again for this upcoming semester.
But - it was a good day overall - nothing crazy!
I'm also not scanning much anymore...which is interesting. I suppose they're trying to get me back into doing other mail processing stuff again for this upcoming semester.
But - it was a good day overall - nothing crazy!
08 August 2010
The trip back to Chicago

Lauren and I left in the morning to head back to Chicago. But before we left her parents and sister hooked us up with some good food to take along for our kitchen! We got some awesome veggies from Dad's garden, and Dani's leftovers from before she moves off to Mexico, and some other odds and ends as well!
On the way home we also stopped at Ft. McCoy to shop at the Commissary. We got some great deals there on food, and stocked up a big more - gotta love tax free and cheap food!
We had lunch just outside the base at a little pizza place which was a lot of fun as well! We might even make that a regular stop every time we drive by!
Lauren also called ahead to her aunt Tammy and we were able to stop over there for dinner as we got closer to home! It was fun to catch up with her and Dayton, see the dogs, and take a break from the driving!
Before the day was over, we had arrived back home. Of course the humidity wasn't very much fun in an apartment with no A/C, but we are surviving (and saving money)! Please pray though that God opens up a door for us to live somewhere a little bigger by the time our baby arrives! :) Though - I personally am content knowing that He will in His own time - and I am enjoying our place as long as we have it! :)
PS. If you click on the car picture, notice the dog sleeping on the top of the back seat!
07 August 2010
Reunion, Family, Friends, and Ice Cream!
It was a long, but very fun and enjoyable day!
Lauren and I stayed over last night at Uncle Roger's house in Osseo, WI. It was really good to see him again, and we enjoyed spending some extra time with him. In the morning, Doug (my first cousin, once removed), and his son Sam (my 2nd cousin) came to see Uncle Roger as well. Lauren and I stuck around a little while longer before driving a mile down the road to help get ready for the big Olson Family Reunion at Forrest and Ramona's! We had a really great time there, seeing people that we haven't seen in quite a while! It was also a blessing to spend more time with Grandma Sonia and Auntie Pam as well!
Around 2pm, Lauren and I left the reunion to drive to Minneapolis. We stopped at Arthur's Jewelers to get Lauren's ring cleaned and inspected, then met my family at the Green Mill at Rosedale for dinner. We celebrated Grandma Mc's birthday there and had a joyous time of fellowship with the family!
After dinner we checked out Ariel's new apartment and visited Penny as well! She has a really great place! We really enjoyed it! Next, we drove to Jacob's apartment by the UofMN. He and Kristen also have a nice place! They were still unpacking a lot of stuff, so it will be fun to see when everything is unpacked and organized as well!
Our daylight was running out and we still wanted to spend some time with Lauren's family, so we called to meet them in Stillwater at Nelson's ice cream! They are known for their famous Lumberjack!
As we were on our way out of the UofMN, we saw JB's Mustang driving by!!!! What in the world?!!! So we called them, and it turns out they were on their way to find Jacob's apartment to say hi! BUT, my siblings all decided that they wanted to join us at Nelson's, so they already left the apartment - so JB and Katie decided to come along for the fun! It was GREAT! So now all of my siblings and our best friends in the area came with us to an ICE CREAM place (one of the best things to eat while fellowshipping)! We met the Johnson family in Stillwater and ordered the famous LUMBERJACK! We were determined to conquer it (like I had last year)!
The ice cream was great! But, as it starting getting melty, and people started playing with their food, I got grossed out towards the end and couldn't finish the mission! But it's alright - we had a great time!
Thanks to everyone who joined us that evening to spend some more time with us! We wish we could have spent even longer with you all!
Lauren and I ended up spending the night in Hudson since it was already "that much closer" to Chicago in the morning!
06 August 2010
Chick-Fil-A and Brittney's Last Day
I ended up going to work this morning - even though I didn't have to. I had to see Brittney on her last day! Over the past several months (and longer - basically since Loren Rugen worked here), we have been collecting stamps from the envelopes we get, and Brittney put them all in a sweet, handmade, stamp book! It was certainly a bittersweet day. Lauren made a cake a few days ago, and when we realized that we couldn't finish it - we gave it to Tyrome to take off our hands! Thanks bro!
I left after the morning work was over. The rest of the employees celebrated "Employee Appreciation Day" - but I already maxed out my hours! So I decided to appreciate the rest of my Friday morning/afternoon running errands and cleaning the apartment!
After Lauren was done with work - we met my DRM friends (sorry - we're more than just "DRM friends" - that sounds so "professional-like"!) and we drove up to WISCONSIN to get some righteous chicken sandwiches! In case you didn't know, Chick-Fil-A is a Christian-owned chicken fast food joint, who closes their doors on Sundays. The food is actually really tasty too! I had my first experience at CH-BOLC (if you remember that blog)! The drive was crazy during rush-hour, but TOTALLY worth it! It was a great way to end the week - though it was tough to finally say the word "goodbye" to Brittney. But, as MWS put it best, "Friends are friends forever" :)
To top things off though - as we stood outside the mall, one of the employees from Chick-Fil-A came out and gave us ALL FREE CHICKEN SANDWICH COUPONS! So we HAVE to go back!!!! Enjoy the slideshow!
I left after the morning work was over. The rest of the employees celebrated "Employee Appreciation Day" - but I already maxed out my hours! So I decided to appreciate the rest of my Friday morning/afternoon running errands and cleaning the apartment!
After Lauren was done with work - we met my DRM friends (sorry - we're more than just "DRM friends" - that sounds so "professional-like"!) and we drove up to WISCONSIN to get some righteous chicken sandwiches! In case you didn't know, Chick-Fil-A is a Christian-owned chicken fast food joint, who closes their doors on Sundays. The food is actually really tasty too! I had my first experience at CH-BOLC (if you remember that blog)! The drive was crazy during rush-hour, but TOTALLY worth it! It was a great way to end the week - though it was tough to finally say the word "goodbye" to Brittney. But, as MWS put it best, "Friends are friends forever" :)
To top things off though - as we stood outside the mall, one of the employees from Chick-Fil-A came out and gave us ALL FREE CHICKEN SANDWICH COUPONS! So we HAVE to go back!!!! Enjoy the slideshow!
05 August 2010
TA and peanut butter bars (and $125)
I applied for Army tuition assistance and am hoping that comes in soon! I put all of my tuition on my credit card for now - but it sounds like I won't get the money from the Army (OR the scholarship from Moody) until September!
BUT - bless God, I am getting my per diem from basic training in the next few days, and that will pay off half my credit card bill! The other half might have to come out of savings for now (basically everything in there!), but I am confident the Lord will continue to provide as He always does!
I made peanut butter bars today - secret recipe :) I made them mostly because of Britt's last day tomorrow which I might not be there for. I made the peanut butter from scratch (woah - just grinded peanuts in the Vitamix), as well as the powdered sugar. The rest is a mystery to many :)
After work, I set up a checking account w/ Chase - for the primary purpose to deposit cash (Schwab can't do that over snail-mail), and to get a $125 bonus for signing up! Good stuff!
BUT - bless God, I am getting my per diem from basic training in the next few days, and that will pay off half my credit card bill! The other half might have to come out of savings for now (basically everything in there!), but I am confident the Lord will continue to provide as He always does!
I made peanut butter bars today - secret recipe :) I made them mostly because of Britt's last day tomorrow which I might not be there for. I made the peanut butter from scratch (woah - just grinded peanuts in the Vitamix), as well as the powdered sugar. The rest is a mystery to many :)
After work, I set up a checking account w/ Chase - for the primary purpose to deposit cash (Schwab can't do that over snail-mail), and to get a $125 bonus for signing up! Good stuff!
04 August 2010
Never a dull moment!
Today's Groupon was for Flattop Grill - a REALLY good stir-fry place that Lauren and I had been to with our friends Kelly and Nicolas in May. The Groupon SOLD OUT after over 10,000 had sold!
My friend Keith Mayer returned from Ukraine today - I have lost count on how many times he has been there! Probably 3 times as many times as me! I hope to go back someday soon.
Also - today as work, I had the opportunity to help escort some of the seniors who were evacuated from Jenkins, back into Jenkins to recover some of their belongings. In case you didn't know, Jenkins is Moody's married housing (mostly). It also housed many elderly folks as well - because they lived there when Moody acquired the building years ago. So - there was an electrical fire that broke out and everyone had to be evacuated to the student dorms. Praise God it's summer and that we had a place to put everyone! But PLEASE pray that Moody is able to complete the repairs before school starts and everyone moves back! It is good that we are able to minister to these folks in this capacity (giving them housing, free food, etc), so I consider that to be a blessing. But please pray that this won't turn into a nightmare for the returning students! If you want to read about it more - click here! And if you feel led to donate to the financial support effort, click here!
Well - that's about it! Kye said goodbye to Brittney today, because Kye won't be around later this week for Britt's last day. So I took a picture :)
- Mc
My friend Keith Mayer returned from Ukraine today - I have lost count on how many times he has been there! Probably 3 times as many times as me! I hope to go back someday soon.
Also - today as work, I had the opportunity to help escort some of the seniors who were evacuated from Jenkins, back into Jenkins to recover some of their belongings. In case you didn't know, Jenkins is Moody's married housing (mostly). It also housed many elderly folks as well - because they lived there when Moody acquired the building years ago. So - there was an electrical fire that broke out and everyone had to be evacuated to the student dorms. Praise God it's summer and that we had a place to put everyone! But PLEASE pray that Moody is able to complete the repairs before school starts and everyone moves back! It is good that we are able to minister to these folks in this capacity (giving them housing, free food, etc), so I consider that to be a blessing. But please pray that this won't turn into a nightmare for the returning students! If you want to read about it more - click here! And if you feel led to donate to the financial support effort, click here!
Well - that's about it! Kye said goodbye to Brittney today, because Kye won't be around later this week for Britt's last day. So I took a picture :)
- Mc

03 August 2010
DRM Cake!

We had a surprise today from Paul Currie - DRM's partner in Stewardship. He brought DRM a cake, thanking us for our work and effort in - all of the work and effort we put in! :)
Also, Melissa brought in AMAZING cheese curds from WI! They were SQUEAKY!
ALSO, Nick and Lindsey came to visit me - since Nick came to Moody to register for classes! So that was pretty sweet!
02 August 2010
Last week with Brittney
This is Brittney's last official week at DRM. She is moving back home to her family's place this weekend. I suppose after graduating Moody it is natural to move on...but everyone is going to miss her.
I'm starting to get back in the swing of things here at DRM - an am enjoying every BIT of scanning :)
I'm starting to get back in the swing of things here at DRM - an am enjoying every BIT of scanning :)
01 August 2010
Church and kind of relaxing!
It was really nice to be back to First Free today! It has been quite a while since I have been able to worship and fellowship here with Lauren! We enjoyed the service, were challenged by the message, and were excited to see Nick and his bride Lindsey at church as well! We had lunch with our friends at a fun little Swedish restaurant around the corner - good food!
In the evening, Lauren and I cleaned the apartment a little bit and enjoyed a movie on our computer. It was a good day! Bless God for the Sabbath!
In the evening, Lauren and I cleaned the apartment a little bit and enjoyed a movie on our computer. It was a good day! Bless God for the Sabbath!
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