Had GOOD breakfast this morning - because we were able to "sleep in" until 7:30am! This is when our hotel starts the "real" breakfast buffet! GOOD STUFF!
Although - ended up being a couple minutes late to school because of traffic into Fort Jackson (graduations are on Fridays apparently). This earned about 30 of us a 1-page paper on why it is unethical to be late to class :)
CH Cannon talked from 0830-1030 - on aspects of worship. Anyone heard of the book "Mystery Hotel" ?! Sounds like something Lauren would like reading!
Some notes:
Worship is a verb-active participation; with corporate worship – be aware of your surrounding-where you are standing, etc.; understanding terminology and that not everyone knows the terms/songs/etc. you do.
- Work with the S3 to work in a good time for worship – don’t just take what’s left!
- Be aware of calendar year
We had our first SACRED comm (sermon) today as well - thanks Mayo! I'm a little nervous for my first SACRED comm in a couple weeks - but it will be good to get some useful tips on how to do a good sermon!
During lunch I got a shorter haircut (see pic)!
1300 - CH Wake: son of 30 year Chaplain – writing the doctrine for the Chaplaincy currently - talked about FM 6-22 = Army leadership; FM 105 – Army manual
0. Develop our own leadership philosophy
1. Ask and it will be given to you – ask questions, attend meetings, visit soldiers
a. There is no such thing as TMI
b. Always verify the “spot report”
2. Know the standards and stick to them
3. 4 “I”s: Intentionality, Integration, Informative?, Innovation
“Everything is an assessment”; “embrace the vagueness”; “feed the wookie”
Had a quiz on the FM-1
Went home - tired, but excited for the weekend!

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